Thy Will Be Done
by Wisdom Hunters 8/10/2016
by Wisdom Hunters 8/10/2016
“Going a little farther, He fell with His face to the ground and prayed, ‘My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from Me. Yet not as I will, but as You will.’” (Matthew 26:39)
I don’t like it when I don’t get my way. My blood pressure elevates, the palms of my hands perspire and the tone of my voice raises an octave or two! Embarrassingly, I also become a little jealous and resentful of those who get what they want. Why them Lord? I feel called by You to do this. I work hard. I give You the credit for my accomplishments. Yet, what the Lord is waiting for me to express from my heart is, “Nevertheless, not my will, but Your will be done.” It’s ok to feel passed over, but not to stay there. I must trust God’s will is being done.
Jesus was about to be arrested and executed. His emotional pain was agonizing. His physical trauma caused His body to sweat blood—and His broken and humble heart cried out “if it be possible” for there to be another way. In His greatest time of need, Jesus found those He needed most asleep, and once they awakened—they fled in a frenzy of fear. Jesus pled to His Father for a way out, but He ultimately trusted in the wisdom of His Father’s will. “Thy will be done” trumps my will be done, and accomplishes God’s greater purposes for His glory.
The will of God is not always pleasant to the person, but it is always pleasing to God. The hard conversation that needs to take place is not without tension—even conflict, and the Lord knows authenticity requires humility, so hard words spoken with a softened heart are better heard. If possible, the Lord desires for His children to live in peace so their lives become evidence to others of how the peace of God can facilitate harmony. What is God’s will? He wills what is pleasing to Himself – and what’s pleasing to Jesus brings lasting peace to His humble followers.
Just like a good earthly Father anticipates the wants and needs of his children, so your heavenly Father does not withhold what is best for you. Better to wait on the Father’s plan than to go ahead and force a premature decision. Humility submits my will be done to Thy will be done.
“So then, those who suffer according to God’s will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good.” (1Peter 4:19).