A Love that Will Not Let Go

A Love that Will Not Let Go
Wisdom Hunter, 3/29/16
See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! (1 John 3:1)
When I came to Christ, no one warned me that desires for the things of the world could tug so strongly on my heart.  I had no idea that I would sometimes be tempted to worship many other things and stray from the only One Who was worthy of all of my praise.  And no one told me how God would relentlessly chase me in spite of my fickle affections for Him. 


The Celebration of Easter

The Celebration of Easter
by Ronnie Hewitt
Why is it that the Easter bunny and egg hunts seem to be more exciting than news about Christ’s death and resurrection? Maybe it’s because we simply haven’t grasped the significance of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The resurrection of Jesus is the greatest feat in the annals of human history. It is the very capstone in the arch of Christianity; without it, all else crumbles. When we fully comprehend the significance of the resurrection, our lives will be revolutionized. Without the resurrection, there is no hope. Indeed, without the resurrection, there would be no Christianity.


Three Proven Ways to Run the Race Before Us

Three Proven Ways to Run the Race Before Us
by Ronnie Hewitt
Several times in the Bible, our everyday life in Christ is described as a race. We’re off and running in this marathon, and each day presents new challenges as we move along. All the while, we know that God has provided the path we’re supposed to take. But how exactly can we run this race that is set before us? Thankfully, we’re not left running in the dark. The author of Hebrews provides 3 proven ways to keep us on the right track.