Motivation From Revelation

Motivation From Revelation
by Ronnie Hewitt, Minister
Write, therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will take place later. (Revelation 1:19)
Sometimes I scratch my head while seeking to understand practical applications for my life from the prophetic Book of Revelation. The figurative symbolism can be confusing, if not overwhelming at times. But the more I interpret Scripture with Scripture—and the more I pray about the things mentioned in this last book of the Bible—the more I take to heart God’s promises for my life with Jesus. The events found in Revelation inspire godly motivation as it allows one to focus on Christ glorified and His bride the church.


Image and Likeness

Image and Likeness
Wisdom Hunter Devotional, 2/18/2016
“Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.'”
-Genesis 1:26
One of the most remarkable aspects of being human is that, as an image bearer of God, you, in your body and in your relationships, have the capacity to reflect the very nature of God Himself. You are able to live your life in such a way that it can point beyond itself, encountering the love of God and sharing that love with the world.