Easter Sunday

Join us on Easter Sunday, April 16th as we praise and worship our risen Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Bible classes for all ages begin at 9:30am and worship begins at 10:30am.

Extreme Baby Shower

Sunday, March 19th at 12:30pm – All women are invited to a baby shower like no other. As part of our Hearts for Souls Ministry, we have invited 10 expecting moms to partake in one large baby shower. Come and join the fun & games. Soup/Salad, cake and refreshments will be served as well. Let’s show these moms the support they may not have otherwise and let them know they’re special and that we care.

Teacher Workshop

Calling all teachers and those wishing to be teachers! We will have a teachers workshop on Saturday, March 18th at 11:30am at the church building. If you have a passion for teaching our little ones or even want to see what it might be like, please make it a point to be here for this workshop. For additional details, please see Angie Turnmire.

Valentine’s Dinner

You are cordially invited to join us for a Valentine’s Dinner on Sunday, February 12th at 12:30 p.m. The dinner will be catered by Johnny Carino’s. The cost will be $30 per couple or $15 per person. Sign-up sheet is posted on the involvement board in the foyer. 

Ladies’ Night Out

All ladies are encouraged to attend Ladies’ Night Out Friday, November 18th starting at 7pm. End time is tentative. This will be a time of devotion and fellowship with members of the Whiteland, Metro and Kingsley Terrace Churches of Christ. The theme is Light My Fire. For more information or address, please message us at info@whitelandchurchofchrist.com


Join us for our annual Christmas caroling on Sunday, December 18th at 6PM. Evening service starts at 5PM and we will leave for caroling immediately following. All are welcome!

Work Day

Mulch Work Day
Saturday, July 30th from 7am-3pm
Lunch provided
Join us Saturday, July 30th as we maintain our landscaping. We will be spreading mulch throughout the property and need your assistance. If you have them available, please bring a wheelbarrow and rake. Lunch will be provided. For additional information, please see Chris Turnmire or email him at chris@whitelandchurchofchrist.com

VBS Kickoff Party

party_timeVBS Kickoff party!
Join us Friday, July 8th for our VBS Kickoff Party starting at 6:30 PM! Everyone is encouraged to join us for a pitch-in, games (croquet, horseshoes, cards & anything else you want to bring), prayer and fellowship! Location is at a member’s home so check the bulletin board or message us today for location. See you then!

Sing Along

Sing Along
We hope you will join us Saturday, May 28th at 5pm. Tony and Nancy Seger are opening their home to all for an evening of singing, food and fellowship. They’ll supply the BBQ and drinks and are asking everyone to bring a side dish and/or dessert. All are welcome!