A Love that Will Not Let Go
Wisdom Hunter, 3/29/16
See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! (1 John 3:1)
When I came to Christ, no one warned me that desires for the things of the world could tug so strongly on my heart. I had no idea that I would sometimes be tempted to worship many other things and stray from the only One Who was worthy of all of my praise. And no one told me how God would relentlessly chase me in spite of my fickle affections for Him.
His persistent pursuit of my heart has sometimes amazed me, and sometimes brought me to tears. The grace of God is mind blowing when we consider how steadfast, unchanging and faithful is His love – not because of how good we are, but because of how good He is.
Long ago the Lord said to Israel: ‘I have loved you, My people, with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to Myself’. (Jeremiah 31:3)
In scripture, God’s gracious love pursuit (in spite of our sin) is demonstrated in His relationship with Israel – an adulterous nation who served other gods and practiced pagan religion. Like my heart—and perhaps yours—can sometimes be, Israel was unfaithful to a love that would never let her go; but God still pursued.
In Jeremiah 3, we find a beautiful rendition of this chase of love. God says to His people four times, “Return to Me.”, after they had wandered and committed adultery with other gods and other loves. Only a man who really loves his wife asks her to come back so many times after she has repeatedly cheated on him. This is the kind of love the Lord has for us.
If you’ve recently found a greater love than God in work, a relationship, money, ambition, possessions, or approval; He is saying, “Return to Me.” He longs for you to come back home to Him. In your return, He seeks an honest and genuine desire to renew your relationship with Him and a contrite and repentant heart. Won’t you let Him be your all?