This past Thursday, this world and this family lost a very strong and Godly figure as Buck left this life and transitioned to the next. We will miss our brother greatly, but we know that we shall see him again.
So many times, our trials in this life empty us emotionally. We are numb and empty with a pain that penetrates this flesh and strikes to the depth of our soul.
The comforting part is that we have the opportunity as children of God to go to Him and find restoration: That comes through communication and relationship with God. It comes through walking through the grief process. And, yet, we don’t face this life or death without promises. Peter said, “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.” (1Peter 5:7). Jesus said in Matt 11:28, “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Paul would later say, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Phil 4:6-7).
I don’t quote these scriptures as a band-aid to your pain. I simply want to express to you the reality of what a relationship with God will offer you. For the child of God, trials and tribulations are still present. The difference is that we have the hand of our Savior to hold while we go through them.
I am reminded of the comfort that comes from the song “Precious Lord”: “Precious Lord, take my hand / Lead me on, let me stand / I am tired, I am weak, I am worn / Through the storm, through the night / Lead me on to the light / Take my hand, precious Lord / Lead me home.”
I know you are hurting today, just as I am. Mourn the loss, for that is natural. But don’t mourn in hopelessness. For the Christian, our grief is infused with hope; because at the core of our Christian faith is the fact that Jesus Himself died, was buried, and rose from the grave. The cross and the empty tomb of Jesus changes everything, including the way Christians grieve. So, we can have confidence, and trust today, that our loved one is safe and secure in the presence of God.
What a wonderful example our brother Harold “Buck” Eaker left us…of a life of Christian service and obedience to our Lord.